Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Communication covers large space in the country, says the minister

The demographic figures have shown that, about 94 percent of the country’s space is well covered with the State-of-the-Art communication facilities and this is ascertained by the numerous number of communication satellites and towers scattered all over the country. The deputy minister for Works, Transport and Communication Eng. Atastasha Nditiye said  yesterday in parliament when responding to the question earlier raised by Mbulu rural legislator Fratay Gregory Massey (CCM). The legislator wanted to know strategies put in place by the government to ensure that in his constituency communication is free and made reliable to his people citing reasons that there are no enough communication towers. The minister admitted with the fact and clarified that, the current three communication towers which were installed by the Airtel Communication Company are not working following the wrangle between the company and the Katal Company which was assigned to do the work. However, the deputy minister said that, in spite of the existing problem, the government has opened the tender bid so that a strategic investor is obtained to construct the communication tower so that it might ease communication for the people in the area.

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