Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Construction of Nyamagana district council buildings to be completed this financial year


The government has said that, the construction of the administrative buildings for the Nyamagana district council which started in 2008 about ten years ago is not yet completed in time due to lack of donor funds, the parliament has been informed. The deputy minister of state in President’s office responsible for local government and regional administration George Kakunda revealed this in the parliament last week during question and answer session. The minister was responding to the question which was directed to the ministry of local government by the Nyamagana legislator

Stanslaus Mabula (CCM)  who wanted to know why the construction of the administrative building for Nyamagana district council which started ten years ago is not yet completed.

The legislator also added a supplementary question and queried that why is it that most of the government’s projects are slacking and never be completed on time. Responding to these, the deputy minister assured the legislator that, the government had set aside Tshs. 53 bn/- for the development projects slated for the district councils in the country and Tshs. 80 bn/- for regional development projects. In view of this, from the money already set aside, Tshs. 220/- million will be apportioned to help complete the construction of the Nyamagana district council’s administrative office buildings, while others will be spent in other buildings for the same purposes which are also under construction in other areas in the country.

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