Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Govt to build fire brigade offices in newly established regions

The deputy minister of Home Affairs Eng.
Hamad Masauni has outlined the need of government of building offices to accommodate fire rescuers in newly established regions of Geita, Simiyi, Katavi , Njombe and Songwe in the country. He said the basic reasons to have these offices allocated in these regions is to help in the event of fire break out and other rescuing exercises which might be required to serve the local communities. The deputy minister was responding to the question in parliament yesterday during its morning session of question and answer.

The question which was raised by the special seat legislator Mary Muro (CCM) who wanted to know plans by the ministry of home affairs to accomplish the installation of such an important facilities which are crucial during the event of fire breakout and other disasters. The deputy minister said that, the government has put in its budget for 2018/19 fiscal year to reduce the high burden in these newly established regions which have still lacking important facilities. He further noted that, the government will try as much as it can in order to accomplish the building of most important facilities as years go by depending on the availability of fund in its coffers. The deputy minister is of the view of the fact that, such stations cannot be installed without having sophisticated equipment such as vehicles and expertise which are so expensive and need money.

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