Sunday, February 9, 2014

Political analysts hail Kikwete’s appointment

A day after President Jakaya Kikwete announced list of 201 appointed members from civil society groups to be included in the National Constituent Assembly scheduled to start next week in Dodoma, political analysts have proclaimed that, there is no doubt as the number of participants is well balanced to the best of their professional ability Speaking in a telephone interview in Dar es Salaam on Saturday a renowned senior lecturer on political science of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Dr. Benson Bana said that, “the President has done a commendable job and fair in every groups. Basing on politicians, Dr. Bana noted that, the appointment of leaders from all 21 registered political parties in the country would cut off the political impulse likely to arise among the opposition parties who thought before that, the whole constitution process could be dominated by the ruling CCM party. However he noted that, their presence together with other civil society group members of the different categories would make a joint collaborative efforts into getting a comprehensive draft of constitution which would stand for the interests of all Tanzanians regardless of their political and religious affiliations. On the idea of the two tier government structure which has been touted by the ruling party CCM. He said that, this is in their party’s policies and should not be brought forward for discussion as it is not a national issue but rather a directive of the CCM part. In view of this, however, he said members of the assembly should not have their minds lured as the idea of the three tier government as opposed to CCM policies, is a joint collective idea from the general public as recommended by Judge Joseph Warioba’s Commission team. 

Dr. Benson Bana of the University of Dar es Salaam.

To put matters in proper ways, he is optimistic with the facts that the general Constituent Assembly composed of over 600 members who includes national Members of Parliament, and members of House of Representatives from Zanzibar would make proper use of their set 70 days to discuss the outcome of the controversial idea which seemingly to have confused some people in the country. He has posed his challenges and noted that, his tension is on how to get a speaker or a Chairperson to conduct the Assembly which he said all members should be careful when electing their speaker to conduct the proceedings. In this,  he said they need to be careful and shouldn’t look at the interests of their parties, but have to look at someone’s experiences he or she has gained in leadership. On his part, Professor Mwesiga Baregu said that, the President’s appointment has shown a national outlook in general which for any reasons has to be hailed. He said adding that, President Kikwete did not discriminate nor favored any group despite he had encountered difficulties when selecting them. Prof. Baregu who spoke through a telephone interview noted that, the President has done a good job which he expects members of the Constituent Assembly would discuss the second draft at a fair level ground before its acceptance by the general public during referendum opinions. Baregu who is a Professor of political science specializing in International relations has warned that, during the constitution making process, members should not compete each others which is likely to bring negative impacts a result of which might cause chaos among themselves. 

Professor Mwesiga Baregu of Saint Augustine University

On the issue of two tier government structure as being touted by the ruling CCM party, Prof Baregu said that, the issue here is to look at the Union of Tanzania in relation to either two or three tier government structures. He noted that, despite the envisaged open contractions about the matter which is being perpetrated by some members of the ruling CCM party, still the recommendations put across by Warioba’s commission team would remain for discussions. He further noted that, some alterations might occur during the discussions but this should not confuse the minds of the participants who will attend the Constituent Assembly as their discussions over the matter would the final saying. “Parties’ policies is another thing altogether and this should not dominate the entire discussions of the constitutional review process, for doing so is contrary to the national interests” he said and urged members not to look at their parties policies. Another political analyst, and a former cabinet minister during the first and second phase governments Ibrahim Kaduma has commended the good job shown by President Kikwete and hailed his political maturity which he said has proved seriousness on  the matter. He has suggested that, members of the Constituent Assembly should stick on the consolidation of the national unity while contributing the debate of the national constitutional review process. He said that, unity has been the main theme of the country’s philosophy towards various development successes since independence time. 

Mr. Ibrahim Kaduma a former cabinet minister during first phase government

However, he said adding that without unity in this constitutional review process, things would disintegrate and the centre cannot hold. Kaduma is on the view of the fact that, the selected members and those who make up the constituent assembly should have a common stand which would enable get a national constitution that would have a common interest for the coming future generation, and has also called upon journalists to help promote their views.  On Saturday evening this week, the names of the 201 individuals who will join MPs and members of the House of Representatives to form the Constituent Assembly were revealed in Dar es Salaam drawn from 3,754 proposed names in ten groups. The names were read by the acting Chief Secretary Dr. Florens Turuka who told weary journalists who were kept waiting for nearly two hours that President Jakaya Kikwete considered age, gender, religion, political parties and regional balance in selecting them. Two-thirds of the names were from the mainland and the remaining one third was from Zanzibar as the law required. The 201 individuals together with 357 MPs and 80 House of Representatives from Zanzibar will establish the eagerly awaited Constituent Assembly to kick-start the home-stretch for the envisaged new constitution. The organ is scheduled to start its sittings on February 18 in the political capital city of Dodoma. They will debate the second draft constitution that was prepared by the Judge (rtd) Joseph Warioba-led Constitutional Review Commission.

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