Monday, February 17, 2014

CA members told to defend union, observe house standing orders

In an unpresented move, the newly elected members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have been warned not to interact their discussions with the union affair while contributing a debate on the second draft of the new constitution with a view to defend it as it has a national interest. The call was made on Friday last week in Dar es Salaam by a member of the Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) Hebron Mwakagenda when presenting his paper during a two day seminar for the newly elected constituent Assembly members which was organized by the forum. A two day seminar which ended yesterday aimed to brain stain the minds of the elected 201 members in order to get prepared for a long session which is ahead of them of discussing  the second draft of the national constitution whose session starts in Dodoma next week. During his presentation, Mwakagenda informed the members the majority of whom seemed to be unaware of some national matters that there are certain matters in the current constitution which have greater potential to the people in the country and that should not be interfered with. He noted that, among them is the union matter which he said is something which has to remain intact and that should not be discussed at any cost as it has the interest of the people of two countries, Tanganyika and Zanzibar. 

He also highlighted to the members to strictly observe the laid down house standing orders while contributing their views while going though each Cap and sections of in the constitution, urging them not to force an argument except to brainstorm an idea and come up with a solution. The house standing orders he said would be made available to them in their first two days prior to the start of the session. This he said would be after being sworn in to become full members of the Constituent Assembly. However, he said adding that, the house standing orders would direct them on how to present ideas and have respect for the ongoing discussions and how they should conduct the debates with all respects reserved. Other things which he told the members is about their discussions which he noted that should directly be focused from within the scope of the matter in discussion and shouldn’t anyone drive his or her points from what has been written in the draft. “Your task is to observe one paragraph after the other as outlined in the constitutional draft, and therefore it wouldn’t be fair at all to inject a point which would seem completely irrelevant to the matter in discussion” he said urging them to stick to the standing orders as they are all matured people. On her part, the Speaker of the National Parliament Anne Makinda who will also be among the members to join the elected team together with other parliamentarians in a joint debate discussion over the constitution told the elected members that, highly disciplined character is needed to be observed in such big gatherings which discusses matters of the national importance. 

Speaker of the National Assembly Ms. Anne Makinda

Drawing her experience as a speaker of the National Assembly, she reminded the elected members to respect their chairman who would be elected to conduct the debates. She also urged the members to stick their ideas for the national unity and put aside their political differences as the constitution does not belong to any political party in the country. She said people should not look at a face of a speaker on the floor, and who speaks what, but the best thing to avoid inconveniences in respect of the arguments put forward, they should concentrate on the ideas on a particular phrase in the constitution. The speaker of the National Assembly has also warned the members not to be tempted in anyway by an inducement into accepting somebody’s ideas among those ones put forward for discussion. Anne Makinda is on the view of the fact that, they shouldn’t accept any bribe or envelopes aimed to seek for a majority support of an opinion that might be in discussion just to defend the interest of the few people or groups. “Temptations should not be allowed to lure your minds into accepting an idea which you know thoroughly well that won’t help the future of the nation and the incoming generation” she said adding that, all members should understand the fact that, a constitution is a document which defends the rights of the people and their properties in any country.

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