Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kingunge faulted CCM leaders against burdensome ministers

In unpresented move, a veteran politician and former cabinet minister has faulted top most leaders of the ruling CCM party for what he termed as violation of ethical leadership code when they publicly pronounced some cabinet ministers were a burden to the nation. The two party leaders called the alleged ministers for being burdensome on assumption that were not performing well to the people irrespective of their portfolios.  They said about two months ago while in campaign meetings aimed to mobilize party’s activities in a move to implement its manifestoes in southern regions of the country. Kingunge Ngambale Mwiru issued his concern in an exclusive interview early this week at his residence in Dar es Salaam. Kingunge’s call has come amid the on-going debate of some people who complains why President Jakaya Kikwete left the alleged burdensome ministers in his new cabinet list which he had appointed and announced three weeks ago. Hopes by many people had it that, the President would have listened to his fellow party leaders who are the Secretary General Abdulhaman Kinana and NEC’s Secretary and party’s publicity Nape Mnauye when preparing a reshuffle, on the grounds that he could have reacted on their recommendations. During the interview, Kingunge noted that, there are some CCM party leaders who are completely ignorant about the leadership barriers existing between them and the government. However, he said adding that, there are procedures to be followed on the side of the party’s jurisdiction once its member has messed up. He said ministers are Members of Parliament and in view of this he has reiterated that if a member of the ruling CCM party has faulted, he or she should be reprimanded in party’s internal meetings instead of ridiculing them in public. “It should have not been so, just because some people complained about their performance and rated them down. He said this is a breach of ethical rule and poor leadership guidance as far as their mission was concerned”, he asserted. He said the ruling CCM party follows its policies when it comes to the issue of reprimanding its members who seem to have flouted the party’s policies, and does not bring such debates in public view the way Kinana and Mnauye did. Meanwhile, a city based lawyer who has specialized in constitution has said that, the selection of the cabinet ministers is a sole decision by the President as this is among his responsibilities for which he doesn’t necessarily need to wait for the party to say but rather are presidential prerogatives under which he should not have been interfered with by any organ to implement. Jackson Makota, who is a staunch member of CCM told the Guardian in an exclusive interview that, it was a great mistake according the constitution for any organ, be it a ruling party, NEC of the Central Committee which can force the President to change his appointments whatsoever. 

A veteran politician and former cabinet minister  Mzee Kingunge Ngombale Mwiru

He said the matter is upon the President himself to decide, others he noted among the prerogatives are amnesty for inmates, to cancel death sentences already imposed to convicted killers and proclamation of wars. Al these are his sole responsibilities according the constitution. Quoting the relevant paragraphs in the constitution Section 55 which says that, the President can at his own will appoint cabinet ministers and their deputies at any number after having been advised by the Prime Minister. The appointed ministers would change their duties on behalf of the President as in accordance to the laws, but this does not necessarily mean that such ministers are not responsible or accountable in any way by the directives of their party’s NEC. The president is the one who can question the performances of his ministers and their deputies. If the appointed ministers mess up and the President keeps quite and takes no any action against them waiting for the masses to complain to the extent and see them burdensome for the party, then it is the President who has to be blamed for that. According to the CCM constitution section 109 has stated clearly that, among the major tasks the NEC contends with is for the party only and not associated with the government duties. In this respect, the Central Committee of the CCM party has no any mandate to call and interview or direct the appointed ministers or anybody with presidential appointment including PCs, DCs and basically this is such interference in one way or another. Three weeks ago, State House Director of Communications Salva Rweyemamu noted that, the President had committed his work and that there should not be further argument on the matter. In November last year, the CCM secretary General Abdulhaman Kinana and NEC secretary and Party Publicity Nape Mnauye publicly announced some of the ministers in the current cabinet list to be burdensome and that had requested President Jakaya Kikwete to remove them from their portfolios. The proclaimed Ministers with their portfolios in brackets are Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa (Education and Vocational training), Christopher Chiza (Agriculture and Food security) and his deputy Adam Malima who is now deputy minister for Finance. Others are Hawa Ghasia (Local Government and Regional Administration) and her deputy Aggrey Mwanri. In a recent cabinet reshuffles which was made on 19th January this year, the President re-appointed the ministers who were complained to be burdensome. The situation caused a severe debate over the issue from various groups of people in the country.

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