Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bomb explosions that caused panic and fear

Notable figures during the funeral ceremony included the Segerea Member of Parliament, who doubles as Deputy Minister for Labour, Employment and Youth Development, Dr Makongoro Mahanga and Ilala Mayor Mr Jerry Silaa. Others were Chama Cha Demokrasia Na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Secretary General Dr Wilbrod Slaa who was flanked by some CHADEMA legislators including Ezekiel Wenje (Nyamagana), Rev. Israel Natse (Karatu) and Dr Mbasa Gervas (Biharamulo West). CHADEMA contributed Tshs. 300,000 cash as their condolence to the victims. In his sermon, Father Nyelawila said not all deaths are designed by God. Some have been caused by human being mistakes. He, however, cautioned that the incident should not be used to incite chaos or disturb peace and tranquility that the country enjoys. The bodies were transported to Rorya District in Mara Region Sunday afternoon where they were laid to rest.

The Secretary General of the Chama Cha Maendeleo (“CHADEMA”) the strongest political party in Tanzania Dr. Wibroad Slaa, delivering his sorrowful speech during the funerals. His party contributed Tshs. 300,000/- to the bereaved family. The later photo shows his arrival as people paved the way for him to pass.

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