Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bomb explosions that caused panic and fear

The Gongo La Mboto incident had shocked many Dar es Salaam city residents Bomb explosions that caused panic and fearwho most of them volunteered to help the victims at all costs. Government, parastatal organizations, civil groups and individuals contributed money and some household materials for the victims. In another development, the TPDF Director of Information and Communication, Lieutenant Colonel Kapambala Mgawe, confirmed to the nation that the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Davis Mwamunyange, had on given a go ahead to the team formed to investigate the deadly incident as it was said that a number of bombs have been spotted in Kimara, Mbezi Kwa Msuguri, Temboni and Kibamba.

A member of parliament for Segerea constituency and an Assistant Minister Dr. Makongoro Mahanga represented the government during the funerals. He is seen giving a vote of thanks to the mourners who turned up during the occasion.

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