Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bomb explosions that caused panic and fear

And, few metres from Mr Nyajiego’s home, there was also another funeral for Ms Neema James (14), who was the former’s niece. According to the mourners, on the fateful night, Ms Rose had decided to flee from her home with her daughters, amid the flying bombs. Sensing that they could no longer run away from the missiles, they took refuge at a nearby house. But while waiting for another chance to run, a bomb ripped off the house and shattered it to the ground. Unfortunately, Neema was with her aunt, the concrete slab fell, killing all of them.

Neighbours, friends and relatives who turned up at Jacob Nyajiego’s house to mourn for his deceased wife and two children who perished when a concrete slab fell on them in a house they had taken refuge while running away from the flying bombs. The later photos shows father Stephano Nyelawila conducting a requiem mass for the deceased.

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