Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Govt urge agricultural institutes to seek help from donors

The government has kindly requested agricultural institutes to write proposals as a way of soliciting money from donor funding organizations in order to help them facilitate research activities at their various research centres. The concern has been raised by the deputy minister for agriculture Dr. Mary Mwanjelwa said on Monday this week in parliament during question and answer session and revealed that the government does not have enough money to fund all the internal operational activities done by such institutes. “We as the government have developed our agricultural research institutes not to be dependent on government assistances and instead should write proposals in abide to solicit for money to develop themselves”, the deputy minister said when responding a question from the legislator. The deputy minister was responding to the question which was raised by Lupa constituency legislator Victor Mwambalaswa (CCM) who wanted to know the future of the once well-known Uyole Agricultural Institute in Mbeya which he said had its activities deteriorating. A supplementary question was raised by Uyui (Tabora North) legislator Almasi Maige (CCM) who wanted to know why at Upunge agricultural institute has one expert. In response to these two queries, the deputy minister noted that, the government is looking for fund to run the Tobacco Research Institute of Tanzania (TORITA) which does its activities at Uyole to extend its activities in southern regions of Iringa and Mbeya respectively. On Upunge centre based in Tabora, the minister noted that, the activities of the centre has been integrated with the district council so as to promote the centre into a highest level standards

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