Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Govt to return a military camp at Tunduru

Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba 

The government is planning to beef up security in southern region of Ruvuma by re-introducing Tunduru military camp KJ 0661 which was decamped in 1996 and had its operations closed until in 2009 when the idea of reviving the camp came into being. The Minister for defense Dr. Hussein Mwinyi said on Monday this week in parliament that, the government has sent a team of experts to survey the area with the intent to re-introduce the camp as one step strategy to maintain security along the national border lines in southern regions. The minister’s response was issued on his behalf by Home Affairs Minister Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba who said that, plans by the government has come after the regional security committees of the southern regions in the country requested the government to beef up security in the regions. The minister was responding a supplementary question which was raised the special seat legislator who wanted to know plans by the government through the minister of defense of reintroducing the military camp in the region.

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