Friday, June 15, 2018

Govt to launch a program for capacity building to prop up pregnant women

Vice-President Samia Suluhu Hassan is expected to be the guest of honour at the official launching of the program formed by the ministry of Health dubbed, “Jiongeze Tuwavushe” aimed at sensitizing women to have the urge of going to the clinic when are pregnant. The program to be championed through in eight regions in the country includes Kigoma which is said to be backward in terms of sensitizing women into caring about clinical attendances while are pregnant.   

The Minister for health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children Ummy Mwalimu said this week in parliament during question and answer session that the program to will be launched in yet unidentified day will be targeting rural women. The Minister was responding to a supplementary question which was raised by Kasulu legislator (CCM) Daniel Nsanzungwako who wanted to know why the government does not turn its attention to medical and health treatment issues for people in Kigoma region. Minister Ummy said that, Kigoma region lags behind on issues related with the women awareness on matters concerning with maternal care and many others concerning with their lives in general. While championing the program, minister Ummy noted that, she would propose at every clinical centre where they would station peer educators, such health centre will be given Tshs. 25,000/- on monthly basis for promoting the centre. She said, in line with this program, Kigoma region has been given the priority bearing the fact that, the region does not have good roads and other infrastructures are poor. Earlier a special seat legislator Kiza Mayeye (CUF) raised a question with a view to know plans by the government to provide education on safe and better maternal reproductive care to rural women. Responding to this question, the deputy minister of the ministry Dr. Faustine Ndugulile noted that, the government has put in its strategic plans to ensure that important health issues are given to the people especially women including the need for them to attend clinics while are pregnant.

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