Friday, June 15, 2018

Govt appeals to parents to report newly born conjoined twins

The government has appealed to parents especially mothers who have given birth to conjoined twins to report to the ministry of health so that appropriate medical attention and treatment is to be taken immediately as part of help. The minister for health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children Ummy Mwalimu said this week in parliament when she was elaborating a point on premature babies during question and answer session. The Minister’s call has come when she had received reports from Kagera region of a mother who had given birth to the conjoined twins at a hospital and ordered the twins be transferred to Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Dar es Salaam for check up. 

The conjoined twins Maria and Consolata who died two weeks ago and buried in Tosamaganga catholic mission cemetery grounds in Iringa.

However, she has issued the order two days after the renowned conjoined twins Maria and Consolata (aged 22 years) from Iringa died and left the general public in high pensive mood after having lived long with sufferings which is said was due for their late reporting for medical attendance. In order to avoid any mishap, the minister has appealed to parents to report to the Permanent Secretary of the ministry once they see their newly babies have deformed physical condition so that the government should help for their treatment costs and if possible transfer them outside the country for further treatment. Earlier the deputy minister of the ministry Dr. Faustine Ndugulile had urged pregnant mothers to develop the culture of attending clinics in four times in a month to see for the development of the foetus in their wombs. The deputy minister was responding to the question which was raised by the special seat Zubeda Hassan Sakuru (Chadema) who wanted to know attention given by the government to premature babies who are born in public hospitals in the country.

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