Thursday, May 31, 2018

The President’s promise for Tshs. 50 million to each village worries an MP

The government is still making intensive preparations in readiness for the disbursement of Tshs. 50 million it had promised to dish out for empowering economic development plans to be initiated in each village in the country, the deputy minister has said. The deputy minister of State in Vice-President’s Office responsible for policy, parliament, labour, youths, and employment and disabled Anthony Mavunde said this week in parliament that, once the needed infrastructure are ready in place, then the government would be in a position to disburse the money as per the promise it had made during the general campaigns over two years ago. The deputy minister was answering a question eerier raised by a Member of Parliament for Konde constituency (CUF) Khatibu Said Haji who is worried about with this promise and wanted to know when will the government start distributing the said money. In response, the deputy minister could not specify clearly what kinds of infrastructures which are under preparation in readiness for this much awaited project to kick off. However, he noted that, people in the country should keep on waiting as the government promises are intact as it were issued.

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