Thursday, May 31, 2018

Big chunk is issued for youth empowerment


The government has dished out a total of Tshs. 4 bn/- from its treasury to help empower various 367 registered youth groups in the country, the deputy minister of State in Vice-President’s Office responsible for policy, parliament, labour, youths, and employment and disabled Anthony Mavunde has said.  Mavunde told Members of Parliament early this week when he was answering a question earlier raised by the special seat legislator Khadija Nassor Ally (CUF) who wanted to know how the government has worked on economic basis in order to empower youths in the country and what are the new strategies it has put in place to improve its empowerment program. 

Hon. Anthony Mavunde

Responding to this question, the deputy minister noted that, plans by the government have remained intact as per what the policy on capacity building says as related with the youths’ economic empowerment. He said that, the government urges youths to join the registered groups so that they might be able to get a chance of employing themselves rather than depending on the employment opportunities in offices which are very rate nowadays. “The government has been empowering youths and women and this is in line with the national policy programs of economic empowerment, and this is a priority set up in a move to reduce the increased high rate of unemployment in the country”, he said.

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