Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Kingunge warns CC to respect people’s opinions

A veteran politician who is also among the elders of the ruling CCM party Kingunge Ngombale Mwiru has warned current CCM leaders to be careful and take into account the opinion of the majority of its members when it comes to decision making. Kingunge was responding to an interview by a Channel ten television crew Charles Hilary which was transmitting live from Dodoma where the process of scrutinizing CCM presidential hopefuls took plac e last week. He said that, the CCM members should not make decisions by their own and instead they should listen to what the majority party members who have the mandate to choose a type of a leader they want. He cautioned the CC over what had transpired during the selection of its 38 presidential aspirants from which top most five names were selected in what is described from the internal sources that the process has been unlawfully done. However, he noted that, although there had already shown signs of disagreement by some members of the CC who are in doubt over how the selection of the five members was carried at CC meetings, the matter here is to ask if among the five are accepted from within and outside the part. The already short listed members by CC from a list of 38 presidential aspirants are January Makamba, Benard Mambe, Asha Rose Migiro, Ambassador Anima Salum Ali and John Magufuli.  The five were later on pruned to three and Maghufuli emerged the winner after having been voted with YES by members of the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC). However, during interview Kingunge quoted what the late father of the nation Mwalimu Julius Nyerere said that in order to have a good leader he or she must have a majority support bin both sides. Kingunge is in doubt of the already selected five members by the CC which no one knows what methods had they used to select them, is purely unacceptable and therefore any  queries raised by other members outside should be discussed in order to rectify any mishaps that might happen in the foregoing election process. He said it is the responsibility of the CC members to ensure that whomever they select  should be diligently loved by all members from outside and within, otherwise however, he has predicted of the party’s disintegration. He outlined among basic characteristic features that a Tanzanian leader must have bearing the fact that then elected President is also a Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces in the country according to constitution. In this aspect, Kingunge noted that all presidential hopefuls must be a person who is well trained in military fatigues and who is aware of the aspects involving security matters in the country. He noted also that the people who are the voters are aware of the poverty stricken situation that is curbing their lives every day, so in view of this only that leader who has been holding various ministerial posts in the country is more reliable for the position as he or she is able to think about what people in the country would want.

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