Monday, July 20, 2015

Create conducive environment for youths, government urged

THE Government has been asked to create a conducive environment which would enable youth to engage in entrepreneurial and agricultural activities in rural areas, a move that would also desist them from flocking in towns in search of jobs.  Speaking at a public rally in Njombe town, Emmanuel Filangali said many youth have been unable to perform their duties perfectly in  rural areas due to lack of job opportunities alongside with inadequate electricity supply in rural areas. He said many youth have then tendency of migrating to urban centres such as in cities and towns in search of job, and by doing so are shunning away from engaging in production activities including agriculture.“My dear brothers, agriculture pays a lot, in case you create a conducive environment in this sector I am optimistic that many youth will not run away from the rural and instead they would continue staying in villages to continue with agricultural activities”, he said. According to him, many youth have a tendency of running away from the village life after having seen that agriculture does not cater for their daily life for the prices for goods are tool low compared to the costs of operations. Filangali  who has shown interest to vie for the parliamentary seat has assured youth that once he is elected for the position under the ticket of Chadema, the first thing he would react upon is to see that youth are given special attention so as to make them see that agriculture is given the priority it deserve. However, he also noted that he would make sure that prices for agricultural products are regulated so that they could see that it is fit for their life. He said despite of curbing with the unemployment problem in the country he has assured youth to raise the economic standards by 80 percent and would also direct the constituency find to help rural people. However, he added that, once elected a member of parliament he would make sure he speaks for the people and solve all their problems wherever is needed. He said the constituency which is under the ruling party CCM and its incumbent MP Anne Makinda who is the Speaker of the National Assembly have been lagging behind in terms of development.

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