Monday, May 25, 2015

Struggle for job by yourself, Tanzanian youths told

FORMER Regional Commissioner retired army Colonel Joseph Simbakalia has called on youths in the country to understand in their minds the meager concept of the increased unemployment rate in the country instead of blaspheming the government’s failure to provide them with employment. Col. Simbakalia who is currently the Director General of the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) made a concern this week on Friday night during the award fiving ceremony that recognizes young aspiring professionals for their innovative work that benefit the community. This is an annual event which for this year being organized by a locally registered group known as Pro-active employment solutions by to motivate youths in five contesting categories. Going on its second year since its inception in early 2014, the event known as Tanzania Annual Young Professional Awards (TAYPA) were sponsored by 12 companies among them includes the Guardian and Nipashe newspapers and East Africa Radio all of the IPP Media group. During his speech, Col Simbakalia said that unemployment is not a Tanzanian issue but rather a global issue which is becoming more worse even in the developed countries in the world, a factor that youths should not have in mind that the government is able to control the phenomenon. Elaborating more on the matter, he gave an example saying that even if all employers in the country could take responsibility of employing every graduate in the country, still a great number of them would remain without employment because graduates are many than the number of job opportunities. “Unlike before university graduates were sure of securing top most job opportunities because of their fewness compared to the number of job opportunities which were many”, he said adding that youths should not directly blast the government over the issue.  

Former Regional Commissioner retired army Colonel Joseph Simbakalia, he is now the Director General of the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA)  

However, he suggested that, the government through private sector need to think on other modalities to help curb with the increased phenomena by allowing investments on the country’s natural resources instead of depending on people from Europe and USA to come and invest so that Tanzanians could be employed. Other challenges on the part of youths’ employment he noted that the gap of unemployment is widening due to the system of  education in the country which does not empower most graduates into becoming innovative and more inquisitive into creating own jobs. He further suggested that at the universities, the teaching methods should be changed in order to match with the current global situation. According to him, he noted that it was not fair to employ a graduate as a tutorial assistant and upgrade them up to the level of becoming professors. He said this is to make them not to have more practical experiences as they mainly deal with theoretical knowledge of reading books. According to his views, they could be allowed to practice at least five years hands on training skills to develop; their careers. Earlier, the Learning and Development Coordinator of the event for the firm Wastara Ally exclusively told the Guardian that, this year the TAYPA had introduced five contesting categories and the judges of the committee selected three nominees on each one of them. Elaborating about the awards, she said that the aim of TAYPA is to identify and endorse youth leaders and role models in the local job market and reward them for setting examples and blazing a trail for others to follow. “This platform provides a source of motivation for younger aspiring professionals whose ages range between n18 and 35 years. The platform recognizes their contributions and role to which they dedicate to work harder at achieving both their short and long term career objectives, goals and development”, she said. She named the shortlisted winners and their categories in brackets as Felix Manyogote (Sage category), Mohammed Jaffer (Trail Blazer), Robert Rukumai (Captain of industry, Lilian Makoyi (Pioneer category) and Sweetbert Soka (Alliance category).

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