Monday, May 25, 2015

Mrema tells religious leaders to maintain peace

The National Chairman of the Tanzania Labour Party (TLP), Augustine Mrema has urged religious leaders to sensitize people to maintain peace and order in the country at this time when the nation is about to go for the general elections slated later in October this year. Mrema who is the current legislator for Vunjo constituency expressed his concern yesterday when he toured the office of the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church for Dar es Salaam region Cardinal Polycarp Pengo to congratulate him on his stand in support of the proposed constitution draft. He said religious leaders have greater responsibilities of sensitizing their believers the importance of maintaining peace and order bearing the fact that many countries have been plunged into a political crisis at the time whenever they approach time for election due to hate speeches being uttered by politicians during the campaigns. Mrema who is also a politician, has flouted fellow politicians who have the habit of uttering hate speeches while knowing that such malpractices are likely to cause violence , instead are required to be in the forefront to proclaim peace and liberty in their speeches so as to avoid crisis that might cause political tension. “Tanzania belongs to citizens including politicians and incase anything goes wrong, politicians are to be blamed first because some of them are fond of uttering hate speeches as if are not Tanzanians”, he said. 

The National Chairman of the Tanzania Labour Party (TLP), Augustine Mrema 

 As concerns with the proposed constitution draft, the Vunjo legislator has requested all people to read it and understand the contents inside it so that when time for referendum comes, people should be in a position to make right judgment instead of being forced by some other groups. On his part, Pengo  said that he is optimistic that Tanzanians will read the draft and comprehensively understand it, then participate in the referendum polls. A month ago, the catholic Arch bishop Pengo advised fellow Christians not tom accept a joint agreement with his fellow bishops who had agreed and incited their believers to vote ‘NO’ for the proposed constitution. Cardinal Pengo was closing a training session for WAWATYA group members which took place at Saint Joseph church in Dar es Salaam. Pengo was on the view of the fact that, to make a judgment for catholic believers and other Christians was a positive distortion as though were not able to make own decisions. Earlier the Tanzania Episcopal Centre had wanted their believers to come up read the proposed constitutional draft later register themselves for the referendum pools so that when time for conduction polls they should vote for NO. A joint statement was signed by the Chairman of the Christian Community of Tanzania (CCT)  Bishop Alex Malasusa, the Chairman of the Episcopal Council of Tanzania (TEC) Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa and the Chairman of Pentecostal church of Tanzania (CPCT), Askofu Daniel Awet.

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