Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Children centre honours Dr. Mengi’s contributions

A Dar es Salaam based centre that takes care of orphans and vulnerable children known as ‘New Hope Family Group’ has awarded the IPP Chairman Dr. Reginald Mengi a glassy trophy as a way of recognizing his valuable contributions in Tanzania community. The occasion was held on Saturday blast week in Dar es Salaam city’s outskirts at Mwasonga in Kigamboni area, Temeke district in Dar es Salaam region and was attended by Turkish Ambassador accredited in the country Ali Davutoglu. Receiving the trophy on behalf of Dr. Mengi, A representative of the IPP Group Joyce Luhanga expressed her appreciation and thanked the group. She thereafter pledged on behalf of the IPP group to buy windows and doors for installation onto a newly constructed two buildings which stands within the centre’s compound. The pledge by Joyce came about when the management of the centre raised a concern in their statement that highlighted various challenges faced by the centre among other things and requested for a joint concerted effort from well-wishers to help them solve such problems. In the occasion, the centre also recognized by giving certificates of appreciation to the Clouds Media FM for their radio programme titled ‘Peace and Love’ aired in Kiswahili language meaning Amani na Upendo.  The programme according to the management of the centre helps to restore people’s mind and think about peace and love which continues to prevail in the country. The centre also recognized their sponsors since its establishment such as Tanzania Parking Systems (TPS) and issued a certificate of appreciation in recognition for their contribution that helped a great deal to cater for the various social needs at the centre. 

The IPP Director Joyce Luhanga in a jovial mood after she had received a trophy handed to her by Turkish Ambassador accredited in the country Ali Davutoglu (centre) issued by ‘New Hope Family Group’. Standing in the right is the founder of the centre Omary Kombe (28)

The award was received by firms ‘a Managing Director Hassan Khan. In his speech, the founder of the centre Omary Kombe (28) described Dr. Reginald Mengi as a role model that his contributions would be remembered by many especially people with disabilities whom he cares and other people who came to his office seeking for help. However, he was surprised when he came to understand that, among the most affluent people in the country, only Dr. Mengi has decided to use extras hours in a day to listen to people who contact him for help and called other people to emulate such an attitude which he said shows love towards people of all walks of life. He has also congratulated the good governance of the forth government phase under the leadership of President Jakaya Kikwete and his other top associates such as the Zanzibar’s President Dr. Mohammed Shein, Vice-President Dr. Mohammed Ghazrib Bilal as well as the Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, for their various social and economic contributions.  Earlier the Ambassador Davutoglu who graced the occasion joined in a manual work of planting coconut trees around the centre’s compound and later offered a number of bed sheets and school bags which his office had donated to children of the centre. In his speech, the Ambassador expressed his concern calling on civil society groups and Tanzanians in general to join hands in helping orphans and vulnerable children cautioning that, such responsibilities should not be left for the government to contend with.

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