Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CEOrt calls for increased massive investments of power generation

In a move to meet the current and medium term energy needs of an efficient economy that must grow faster than it is now, Tanzania need to ramp up power generation to no less than 10,000 MW by the year 2020. The call was made by the Chairman of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) roundtable Ali Mufuruki while addressing fellow members of a policy dialogue forum during the 6th annual gala dinner held in Dar es Salaam on Saturday night this week. This is an annual event being organized by the CEO roundtable whose aim is to deliberate past achievements and the way forward of the group members most of whom are heads of private sector development in the country. The occasion is also used to honour national leaders for their great achievements from which they have been spearheading for the development of the private sector in the country.  According to Mufuruki, the government need to think of a massive investments in the energy sector which is estimated at some $ 10 billion (Sh. 16 tri) the amount of money that is equivalent to the total year budget of a nation. Mufuruki who stressed the need to revamp the sector to end consistent power blackouts noted that, industries operating in the country are hurting under a burden of poor quality, unreliable and expensive electricity. “Our homes, schools, hospitals and offices go without power for long periods of time leading not only to productivity losses but also to loss of life”, he said adding that, he is optimistic if such a move is taken power problem would end once and for all. Earlier Mufuruki highlighted how the problem is hurting economic production  of low classed people in the country and wondered after he had counted a number of times Tanzanians have been promised that the power problem will be over once and for all, and sadly disclosed that, the situation is still prevailing without a solution and moreover is growing worse. Meanwhile, two weeks ago the government called on private sector investment in renewable energy in order to supplement the insufficient amount of megawatts of energy supply required annually to cater for the domestic and industrial use in the country The Minister for Energy and Minerals Professor Sospeter Muhongo made the announcement when addressing foreign delegates after he had just opened  a two day powering Africa Tanzania conference which was held in Dar es Salaam. Powering Africa is an initiative of the Millennium Challenge Cooperation (MCC) formed by the US President Barrack Obama with a view to help energy infrastructural facilities in African countries Tanzania included.  In his speech to the conference delegates, Prof. Muhongo said that the government wants to concentrate on Solar Energy as a form of investments on renewable energy. According to him, the current level in the energy sector which stands at $ 4 m (6.4 trillion) needs more spectrum of investments to attain the targets of increasing access to electricity by Tanzanians from the current 36 percent to 75 percent in 2025 when the country will attain middle income status.

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