Monday, April 7, 2014

Why Tanganyika government must be revived

The word ‘Tanganyika’ was introduced by the British colonial government to its territory which was once known as German East Africa ruled by German colonialists since 1885 after the partitioning of African continent. The German colonialists ruled the country for 33 years up to the end of first Word War in 1918. A year later, the British Colonialists took over the control of the territory and renamed it ‘Tanganyika’ up to the time of its independence in 1961. The British colonial government existed for 42 years. A year later the country attained its full autonomy and became a Republic under the first President the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. The independent Tanganyika state existed only for one year and nine months up to 25th April 1964. On the following day, a major historic event which has reshaped the face of the country took place when two independent states, that’s Tanganyika and Zanzibar which had just attained its independence in October 1963 decided to unite and formed a union government. This was after a revolution which toppled the minority regime of the Sultanate that took place on the eve of 12th January 1964 and Abeid Aman Karume became the first African President by help of the Revolutionary Council. Three months later the formation of the union government came into being. The two states with their elected Presidents signed articles of Union and it’s very disappointing to note that, the original draft of the signed documents have never been seen up to now. This also includes the Act by which the Revolutionary Council approved the union agreement. The missing documents have become a challenge to members of Constituent Assembly who currently are deliberating sections one and six of the second draft of National Constitution which covers union issues of the two countries and about the system of union government. The meeting which kicked off in early this week has caused confusion among members who demanded for the original union documents for verifications in order to be certain with their decision making. As the debate rages on, careful observers have said that, despite there has been different kinds of notions as related to what could be a suitable government structure that could look at the union matters currently in controversy. The matter has become a subject of debate ever since the CA started in Dadoma 42 days ago with many thinking that, the basis option is to follow what has been proposed by the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) whose summary opinions were collected from the people countrywide. The issue here is how to conduct a union government basing on what type of a government system, be it a two or three tier government structure as is the case from many people in the country. In an interview with this paper,  a cross section of the people have said that, ‘there is a great need to revive Tanganyika government which seems to have lost its integrity as a state which became independent with nine million people over 50 years ago’. A well-known CCM cadre who preferred anonymity said that, the government made a great mistake to allow Zanzibar has its own constitution in 2010 that it recognizes their territorial integrity, National Anthem and National flag, the three are among the basic elements for a sovereign state. According ton him, this instinctively shows that Zanzibar continues to be a sovereign state as it bears its national flag as a sovereign state, adding that, Tanganyika also had the right to be restored with the same by all means. Said Karim Seif, a businessman in Kariakoo suburb in Dar es Salaam, remarked that, it was meaningless for the two states to have united together and note one state is doing her matters by following own constitution leaving the other without a constitution, in this case he means Tanganyika. Karim aired out his dissatisfaction and noted that, if the two countries were united it means that each one of them had a house and had decided to destroy them and build a single one. His illustration indicates that, the founders of these two nations, meaning Nyerere and Karume left a single union of one government, now there are two governments. Definitely there must be a three tier government structure to pave the way for the restoration of Tanganyika government that was banned without reasons. 

Former CCM party's Executive Secretary Pius Msekwa

He further recommended that, if a three tier government structure would become impossible, what is needed here is to force the Isles government revert into former constitution which recognizes its state is part of the union government and not otherwise. He said adding that let the Zanzibar people accept with this and if the proposal becomes impracticable for them, then let Tanganyika government be revived to provide an equal opportunity for all as it before. Contributing over the matter, the CCM Secretary General Abdulhaman Kinana was quoted early this week by media as saying that, the 10th constitutional review making in Zanzibar that gave powers to the Isles government as a sovereign state was a great mistake committed irrespective of both union governments. According to the changes made Zanzibar is now recognized a state an aspect which has now denied the rights of the President of the Unit4ed Republic to intervene in some matters on the Isles especially when it comes to the partitioning of regions and districts and that the powers have now remained for the Isles President. He further noted that, the opposition in Zanzibar contributed to some extent the idea of having the Zanzibar constitution to be changed, but  warned that, despite of this, there should not occur separation and reminded Tanzanians to think of Nyerere’s philosophy when he predicted effects likely to emerge in the wake of nationalities between Tanzania mainlanders and those in the Zanzibar, meaning ‘Uzanzibaris and Uzazibara. Many Tanzanians do not know reasons why the word Tanganyika has been completely omitted in the administrative structure of the entire government of the United Republic of Tanzania. But this is not seen even in recent years. According to the book titled, “50 years of Independence” written by Pius Msekwa which was published in January 2014, there has never been legal acceptance that paved the way the legality of the union of Tanzania. According to him, what happened by then is that President Julius Nyerere enacted a law known as Transitional Provisions Decree 1964 instead of signing the articles of union. The statement is contained within a report earlier presented by a Union formed by members of Constituent Assembly (CA) with the aim of defending people’s constitution known in Kiswahili acronym ‘UKAWA’ as proof before the CA members currently discussing the writings of the new constitution in Dodoma. The book is quoted as saying that, through such a decree, civil servants of the Tanganyika government were changed and made servants of the existing United Republic of Tanzania. Msekwa former CCM Executive Secretary further explain in his book that, the High Court of Tanganyika was changed and known as the High Court of the United Republic of Tanzania, Other national elements such as the national emblem of the then Tanganyika government was changed and became an emblem for the United Republic of Tanzania. On the same day, Msekwa is quoted as saying that, President Nyerere introduced the so-called interim Const9otuition Decree 1964, the decree made it clear that, the constitution of Tanganyika should be a temporary constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The book further says that, on 15th June 1964 President Nyerere formed another decree known as Transitional Provisions (No. 2) Decree 1964 which directed that wherever there are laws which have mentioned the name Tanganyika, then it should be deleted and replaced by the name United Republic of Tanzania. Also the same decree directed that “wherever the government of Tanganyika has been mentioned for anything which in any manner s dominated or owned by Tanganyika government , then it should be taken as the property of the United Republic of Tanzania which has been mentioned for that matter” Msekwa illustrated. According to UKAWA’s recent statement which was issued in CA, bearing the a foretold elements of such decrees, the existence of Tanganyika disappeared automatically. This is an aspect which has brought confusion to the people who once knew the geographical area of the once known to be a Tanganyika state by then has now changed into mainland Tanzania.

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