Monday, April 14, 2014

Poor education quality is a cause of narrow mindset, says a mentor

An International mentor on the code of leadership development skills has appealed to Tanzania government to change its education system saying that, it lacks some qualities that could make youths be capable of planning about their future life. Speaking in an exclusive interview yesterday in Dar es Salaam, a Canadian based national Azim Jamal said that, the government should enhance its education system and add extra efforts in teaching youths various professional skills in order to make them have confidence. Elaborating on the current education system being practiced in the country, he noted that, ‘its standards is very low and moreover creates narrow mindsets among the youths who are the main workforce the government expects for various development plans. “The government should have an extra educational curriculum introduced at all levels of education in the country from primary to higher learning institutions” he said adding that this is one way to build up their minds to make them capable of thinking better for prosperity. Jamal who once was living in Dar es Salaam throughout his life in areas of Upanga and Kariakoo before he opted for Canadian citizenship in recent years, said many youths in the country do not have confidence with what they are aspiring for an aspect that is exacerbated by poor education standards. He noted that, because of this, quite a great number of them lack high leadership skills which determines low work performance a factor that makes them not to become good leaders. He cited most organizations in the country and noted that it is a shame to see them being dominated by foreign leaders and jostled that this is mainly due to laziness coupled by lack of clarity and confidence among many Tanzanians have. 

An International mentor on leadership code, Mr. Azim Jamal

 However, he has urged the government to ward off such attitudes and embark effectively on capacity building to make youths acquire self confidence. In this way he said they would be able to gain courage and capacity thinking into making them perform well. Jamal’s appeal has come as two months have remained for Tanzania to host an international high performance leadership seminar scheduled to take place on Friday 13th June this year at Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre to which he is expected to be among the main speakers. Jamal would join a famous US based International mentor Brian Tracy in this international seminar to be organized by Mikono Speakers Ltd a subsidiary company of the Dar es Salaam based Business Consult Ltd. The Managing Director of the organizing company Degratius Kilawe told The Guardian in an exclusive interview that, the seminar would address leadership roles and how to spot high achievement on the work. He said about 1,300 people are expected to attend in this important event which would draw participants across Africa region. Elaborating the categories of participation, he said that about 700 participants would come from private sectors, 200 from government the rest would cover different youth groups Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of languages. He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has been translated into more than 20 languages.

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