Monday, August 12, 2013

Kova tells Muslims to obey country’s laws

Regional Police Commander (RPC) for Dar es Salaam special police zone, Commissioner of Police Suleiman Kova has cautioned fellow Muslims in the country to desist from staging illegal demonstrations as a sign of demanding for their rights and instead follow the right channels according to the laid down rules. Commander Kova issued the directives as a guest of honour when addressing Muslims in Dar es Salaam region on the second day of the Eid-el-Fitry celebrations that was climaxed at the regional level last week on Saturday evening at Mnazi Mmoja grounds. However, he has warned perpetrators of such illegal acts who are fond of inciting others into breaking country’s laws to stop the malpractice and wanted them to channel out their demands through legal procedures instead of emulating other fellow Muslims in some other parts of the world who press for their democracy by using force resulting into bloodshed. The celebrations went alongside with the launching of an Islamic album titled “Tanzania’s Peace” which has been prepared by Swautun Naqiy group in Dar es Salaam. Songs in the album carry the message requesting all Tanzanians to maintain peace and harmony.  These were presented by Ustadh Mohammed Shaugy and Hasan Juma whose main theme in the song purposely meant to alert Tanzanians not to disrupt the long standing peaceful situation the country has been enjoying since independence time. According to the two composers, the celebrations were the signs that shows that Muslims are after peace and that is why have decided to prepare an album as a way of disseminating news message about peace among the people in the country. Commander Kova noted in his speech that, although it’s a legal right for one to demand for the rights, but a true democracy cannot be attained through bloodshed except through legal channels. In view of this, he has asked religious believers of all denominations to obey the country’s laws while pressing for the rights so as to let peace prevail in the country. He reminded fellow Muslims that, the holy book of Quran does not allow believers to perform such malpractices within the Islamic community and added that, those who practices them breaks the rules of the Islamic law and denounce the fame and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W . 
However, he added that, “incase they would engage into such malpractices these would result into chaos in such a manner that they will find themselves displaced internally within their own country”. “All religions in the country helps to maintain peace as they preach to love one another” he said adding that, every Muslim is required to respect other people’s religions as they are also supposed to do the same. However, he has asked al Sheikhs to educate youths in this aspect so as to make them grow by following religious spiritual models. However, he noted that, Muslims should be united together and builds a common mind in belief as directed by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). In view of this, have to collaborate with other religions to maintain the existing peace in the country. He also noted that, the disruption of peace would refrain some investors who have shown interest to come and invest in the country, and that out of their investments Tanzania youths benefits from the employment opportunities in various sectors. Commander Kova is on the view of the fact that, it would be futile to see that suppose peace is not among us, then the investors would run away and youths in the country would suffer from lack of employment and have nothing to sustain their daily life. He talked of Islamic countries like Somalia, Iraq and others as a case study whose population by 100 percent are Muslim believers, citing various political chaos caused as a result of their beliefs which has been resulting into fatal accidents and peace has never been maintained in those countries. Commander Kova bought 20 albums in the form of DVD cassettes each one worth Sh. 5,000 and paid a total of Sh. 100,000 which he awarded some to invited guests and some Sheikhs of the Dar es Salaam region who attended the occasion. On his side, the Dar es Salaam regional Sheikh Alhaj Mussa Salum thanked Commander Kova in his remarks for the efforts he has so far made towards ensuring peace in the city of Dar es Salaam. He has however alerted Muslims not to engage in malpractices which the government has been suppressing with a view to continue maintaining peace. He has therefore asked fellow Muslims not to be tempted in any way to accept interruptions which would cost them later. He gave an example of some countries in the world which had peace like Tanzania and all of a sudden their citizens are now living in fear for they didn’t maintain their status.

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