Monday, August 12, 2013

Avoid unnecessary chaos, Muslims urged

MUSLIM believers in the country have been called upon to follow the right channels when demanding for their rights, instead of emulating other fellow Muslims in some other parts of the world who press for their democracy by using force resulting into bloodshed.  The call was made in Dar es Salaam yesterday by the Regional Chief Kadh of the Muslim religion Hamid Jongo when addressing fellow Muslim believers during the first day of the Eid-El-fitry Celebrations marked at a regional level at Mnazi Mmoja grounds. He said that, although it’s a legal right for one to demand for the rights, but a true democracy cannot be attained through bloodshed except it has be followed through on the legal in the right channel. The Chief Kadh was on the view of the fact that, in some parts in the world Muslims have been noticed to be in the forefront to demand for the true democracy without following the right channels citing an example of the countries like Syria, Libya and Afghanistan which he said are becoming notorious to fight for their rights in harsh ways. He reminded fellow Muslims that, the holy book of Quran does not allow believers to perform such malpractices within the Islamic Community and added that, those who practices them breaks the rules of the Islamic law. However, he said and added that, “incase they would engage into such malpractices these would result into chaos in such a manner that they will find themselves displaced internally within their own country”. While addressing the congregation, the Chief Kadh expressed his disappointment after having realized that, there are groups within the Islamic community (in areas which he couldn’t identified) which are conducting their own prayers at their own time and at different places. This is not good he stressed. However, he noted that, Muslims should be united together and have a common mind in belief as directed by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)  so that they may continue to dominate peace among themselves. He further note that, these groups do not develop Islamic religion and instead they bring hatred among the believers who at last separate. However, he cautioned such groups should desist from doing such things and instead concentrate on what the Islamic teachings tell.  On his part, the Dar es Salaam Sheikh Alhad Salum directed Muslim believers within the region to intensify security in their mosques in a bid to maintain security as a whole. The move he said is within the agreement reached upon in their recent=t meeting together with the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Said Mwema.  The celebrations was attended by the National Chairman of the CUF Professor Ibrahim Lipumba, others were the Dar es Salaam Regional Police Commander special police Zone ACP Suleiman Kova, the CCM Regional Chairman Ramadhani Madabida and other BAKWATA regional leaders. The Eid-El-fitry celebrations which enter the second day today will be celebrated in collaboration with the Swautun Naqiy group in special Eid-El-fitry to be marked alongside by the launching of an album which discusses peace talks and the Islamic belief in Dar es Salaam city.

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