Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Use of concrete electricity poles is in offing

The deputy minister of Energy Subira Mgalu has said today in parliament that, “the government is trying to phase out use of wooden electricity poles with which a sole power utility firm (TANESCO) has been using to construct transmission lines and replace them with concrete poles as a new technology set up. The deputy minister further noted that, the aim of the government is to ensure safety of the constructed transmission lines whereby the wooden poles are easily prone to damage during rainy seasons, thus renders great loss on expenditures, than concrete poles despite of their expensiveness. Clarifying more, the deputy minister noted that, “wooden electricity poles used for transmission lines lasts in between ten to fifteen years depending on the geographical area whereas the concrete poles take longer lifespan. The deputy minister was responding to the supplementary question which was directed to the ministry of Energy with a view to know plans by the ministry of constructing permanent transmission lines for the electricity in some parts in the country which are faced with regular damages on such lines. In response, the deputy minister said that, the government has already put in place to produce such concrete poles in the newly established factories in Bagamoyo, Kibaha and Mbeya respectively and these would start production soon. “The government is about to migrate to this technological use of concrete poles so as to reduce the high rate of losses incurred when using wooden poles which are highly prone to damages due to physical weathering”, the deputy minister told Members of Parliament. Earlier the Bagamoyo legislator Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa (CCM) raised a question and wanted to know how far the gas company which was assigned by the government to carry on exploration activities in Bagamoyo has gone with the work. The deputy minister responded by saying that, the company has not yet completed the specific assigned job and that was still going on, and that once it finishes, the general public and the parliament will be informed.

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