Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TBA contracted to renovate regional hospitals in the country

The government has contracted its National Building Agency (TBA) to renovate all regional referral hospitals in the country, the deputy minister of State for local government and regional administration George Kakunda said on Monday this week in parliament. The minister noted that, about Tshs. 10 bn/- has been set aside by the government during 2018/19 financial year to accomplish the task, and another Tshs. 30 bn/- has been set aside to build regional referral hospitals in four regions namely, Mara, Songwe, Geita and Simiyu respectively. The deputy minister was responding a question which was earlier raised by Nyamagana legislator Stanslaus Mabula (CCM) who wanted to know when the government will undertake the task of renovating the old Sekou Teure referral hospital buildings which is in Mwanza city. Responding to this, the deputy minister noted that, ion completion of the construction work and the renovation exercise, the government has also put in its plan to supply medical kits to all these hospitals the work which will be jointly carried down in collaboration with stakeholders.

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