Friday, June 29, 2018

Selasini furious with government on reports

Joseph Selasini 

The government has been asked to take a keen interest and listen to various crisis raised by legislators and councilors and shouldn’t regard them as inciting. The legislator for Rombo constituency Joseph Selasini (Chadema) said today in parliament during question and answers session and wanted to know when the government will desist from ignoring such important issues. Responding to the question, the deputy minister of State in President’s Office for local government and regional administration George Kakunda said that, all issues related with social crisis in local communities are well attended by the government. The deputy minister countered by saying that, if such matters are related with violence, then the police firce have tactics of dealing with such criminal offenses and more often can get hold of the informers to get more information for investigations. He said the law which protects an informer is there and will continue serving the public and asked the police force in the country to honour it.

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