Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Muheza legislator assured of the water project in his constituency

Ambassador Adadi Rajab 

The government has assured to complete the water project which was promised by President Dr. John Magufuli to the people of Muheza constituency in Tanga region. The deputy minister for water and irrigation Jumaa Aweso said early this week in parliament when responding a question during question and answer session. He said that, already the government has set aside Tshs. 3.1 bn/- for the modernization program in the whole district and for the water project he noted that about Tsh. 413.5 million is already paid for the running projects. The deputy minister was responding a question which was raised by Muheza legislator Ambassador Adadi Rajab (CCM) who wanted to know when the government would fulfill the president’s promise of building a water project which he made when he visited his constituency during his campaigns in general elections in 2015.

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