Friday, June 29, 2018

Mobile courts to quicken cases of drug traffickers is coming

The government has said that, it is planning to introduce mobile courts which would be stationed at the airports with a view to facilitate the impeding cases related with illegal drug trafficking and deal with the perpetrators once caught red handed with exhibits on the spot, the parliament has been informed. The deputy minister of labour, Youths, parliament and employment Antony Mavunde told law makers today that, the aim of the government is to quicken the pace of hearing of such cases which experience has shown that, they take long time to get finished. 

He said, during the court proceedings in other places in the country fir instance, culprits have been colluding with security agents and vanished the evidences an aspect that most of them ended up being freed by the courts for lack of enough evidences. So he explained that, by introducing such a mobile courts at the airports which is seen to be the main gateway used by the perpetrators, this will refrain them from indulging in such malpractices which are easily diverted by people due to long network of the people who involves in this illegal business. The deputy minister was responding to the question in parliament which was earlier raised by the special seat legislator Grace Victor Tendega (CCM) who wanted to know why the government should not introduce a mobile court at its airports to curb illegal drug trafficking just like what is happening in other countries. In another development Mavunde told the Parliament that, in line with the prospective plans, the government has processed 7,517 cases related with economic sabortage since the fifth government came in power in the country.

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