Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Legislator wants graduates from higher learning Institutions to be given loans for dependence

The government ha been urged to come up with plans of borrowing graduates from higher learning institutions as a way to empower them economically. The concern has been issued early this week in parliament by Temeke constituency legislator Abdalah Mtolea (CUF) during questions and answer session. The legislator raised a supplementary question which was directed to the Prime Minister’s office responsible for youth employment and said that, it is high time now that why the government shouldn’t think of borrowing a certain sum of money to graduates immediately they finish their courses so that it might help them solve their economic well being. Responding to the question, the deputy minister of State in the Prime Minister’s office responsible for Policy, Parliament affairs, employment, Labor and disability Anthony Mavunde said that, “it is the primary duty of the government to help such graduates. 

Anthony Mavunde 

Clarifying more on the issue, he said that, the government has created c conducive environment that will enable such groups to toil so as to achieve their targets. The minister therefore urged them to join in groups so that they might get loans that will help them solve their economic matters. He said currently the government has registered such groups which are 19 in number, and therefore they have an ample opportunity to make use of these activities in order to increase their incomes. However, he clarified that, the government has been putting more efforts with a view to see that youths are benefiting from the industrialization process it undertakes such as the gas pipeline project which he said has up to now has 11,000 opportunities. He also noted that, the Tanzania Employment Services (TAESA) has already announced some vacancies that require Tanzanians with appropriate qualifications to fill in the vacant posts. But on the other hand, the government is also continuing its quest to emphasize youths into becoming self employed instead of depending in public service employments.

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