Saturday, June 16, 2018

Lawmakers cry with water minister over stalled water projects

A cross section of legislators in parliament today has expressed their disappointment before the Minister of Water and Irrigation Isack Kamwelwe over the stalled water dam projects in their respective constituencies. They have however, asked the minister to make a visit to their sites to see for himself or send a representative as the situation has become so notorious despite several promises made and nothing has absolutely come out. The legislators aired out their grievances in different time in parliament early this week during question and answer session when the chairman of the Parliament Azan Zungu who is a legislator for Ilala constituency allowed them one after the other. The legislators Mary Nagu for Hannang (CCM), Joseph Selesini for Rombo (Chadema), Suzan Lyimo special seat (Chadema), Leah Jertemiah Komanya special seta (CCM), Mwita Waitara for Ukonga (Chadema) all raised a claim and wanted to know why the government is slowing down water development projects in their areas. 

Isack Kamwelwe

Responding to their queries, Minister Kamwelwe promised to visit their respective areas and take drastic measures including taking necessary attention to ensure that all these projects are finished by end of this year. The minister also assured the legislators that, the government has come up with a firm commitment to revamp water irrigation schemes bearing in mind the fact that, agriculture by irrigation is new technology which is being applied in many countries to ensure food securities in areas likely to face shortfall of rains. Eelier the special seat legislator from Moshi Shayrose Raymond (Chadema) raised a question with a view to know why many water dam irrigation projects going on in the country are not progressing as planned. In response, the Minister noted that, the government is seeking for reliable experts to help run the projects in various places in the country. The Minister has also directed all district council’s authorities to do the same in their respective areas.

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