Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Govt to maintain road infrastructures in Serengeti national park

The government is determined to construct the long dilapidated roads within the Serengeti national park into the gravel level so as to avoid inconveniences caused by pothole formations harassing tourists while travelling within the park viewing animals. The deputy minister for Tourism and Natural Resources Japhet Hasuinga said in the parliament on Monday this week that, the park which ranks the second in terms of vastness out of 16 national parks which have been gazetted in the country has its internal roads badly damaged. The minister noted that, the government has put in place plans to renovate other roads bursting through other national parks in the country with similar problems as part of maintaining and promoting tourism in the country. 

The minister was responding to the question earlier raised by the special seat legislator Esther Alexander Mahawe (CCM) who wanted to know the attention paid to the main road which runs across Serengeti National Park in the country which is in the bad state. The minister assured the parliament that, the government is determined to renovate those important infrastructures for the development of the national parks in northern tourist circuit zone. In another supplementary question which was raised by Richard Mbogo (CCM) from Katavi, who wanted to know plans by the government in its move to maintain Songwe airport into making the district council earn its levies from the national park close to the airport. The deputy minister noted that all these are in pipeline so as to make sure that are effectively controlled for the benefit of the nation and people at large.

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