Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Govt to expand TBC coverage in southern regions

The government has set aside Tshs. 5 bn/- which will be used to build a communication tower in order to expand waves of communication so as to make the National Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) be audible enough in southern regions of Mtwara and Lindi respectively.  The deputy minister for Information, Culture arts and sports Juliana Shonza said yesterday in parliament during question and answer session that, the aim of the government is to make a wider coverage of the national broad casting corporation with ease.  

The minister disclosed that the expansion of the communication waves is expected to increase from 250 to 1000 span of coverage in southern regions including in areas like Nangurukuru and others. The deputy minister was responding ti the question which was earlier raised by Kilwa legislator Vedasto Edga Ngombale (CUF) who wanted to know when will the government increase wider coverage of the TBC television and TBC Fm radio station which according to him are not audible enough from his area. A supplementary question was raised by Lushoto legislator Rashid Shangazi (CCM) who also raised a similar query and said that is also happening in his area and wanted clarification from the government. Responding toll these two queries, the deputy minister noted that, the government has embarked on the extensive program to modernize the TBC station for wider coverage in most parts in the country and this is an annual program which would be allocated according to the availability of fund.

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