Friday, June 15, 2018

Govt promises to upgrade Siha health centre into a district hospital

Josephat Kandege

The government has promised to upgrade Siha health centre which is in Siha district into a full status of to a district hospital later during the 2018/19 financial year. The promise has been issued today by the deputy minister of State in President’s office responsible for local government and regional administration Josephat Kandege when responding a question this week in parliament and said that, the government has set aside Tshs. 1.5 bn/- to be used for the modernization and upgrading. He said it is a primary responsibility of the government to ensure that, it upgrades all health centres into the district hospitals, and likewise a district hospital tom be given the status of being a referral hospital respectively, and this depends on the  number of patients being attended. The deputy minister was responding a question earlier raised by the special seat legislator Esther Michael Masi (CCM) who wanted to know plans by the government to upgrade Siha heath centre into a district hospital.  

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