Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Govt issues directives required for the construction of a district hospital

The government has issued its stance by directing all district council authorities to abide by the criterion which requires them to set aside 25 hectares of land in their areas on which they would like to construct a district hospital. The directives have been issued t yesterday in parliament by the deputy minister of state in president’s office for local government and regional administration Josephat Kandege during question and answer session. The deputy minister was clarifying a point which was earlier raised by Mbogwe legislator Augustino Manyanda Masele who wanted to know the budget set for the construction of Mbogwe district hospital which is in his constituency. The deputy minister noted that, about Tshs. 800 ml- has been set  aside for the construction of the district hospital which will  be done in collaboration with the local people in the area whose response is seen to have been so high to ensure that it gets finished on time. He said that, the government is currently building 67 district hospitals and the aim is to have at least one dispensary in every village and a health centre in every ward.

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