Sunday, June 17, 2018

An MP wants a garage that serves Rapid Transit Bus be removed from Jangwani area in Dar

The government has been asked to remove a garage used to protect buses for Rapid Transport in Dar es Salaam (UDART) which is located at Jangwani suburb so that enough space should be made available for people’s development. A special seat legislator Suzan Lyimo (Chadema) said last week in parliament when she was asking a supplementary question whereby she said that the location of the garage is not good as during rains the company’s buses stays indoors and fails to  serve the public and thus causing a hectic transport woes along its designated routes. Responding to the question, the deputy minister of State in President’s office responsible or local government and regional administration Josephat Kandege said that, the just ended rains in the country have wrecked havoc in many areas and caused extensive damages. He said that, the issue is not to relocate the garage but the issue is to maintain a firm infrastructural upgrade in the area.

He also noted that, the government has come up with a strategy that would help solve the problem of the water log which occurs in the areas during rainy season. He revealed in parliament that on 20th July this year, the ministry of Works will open bid for the sake of getting a strategic investor who will construct the areas and ward off the existing problem. However, he has requested the general public to be patient at this time when the government is looking for the ways and means in order tom sort out the problem. Responding to the supplementary question which was raised by Hanang legislator Dr. Mary Nagu who wanted to know the amount of money which the government had set aside for renovating the dilapidated roads in her constituency, the deputy minister noted that about Tshs. 455 million has so far been used.  The deputy minister said the money has been spent for the repair of the 20 meter bridge and six kilometers of road at a marram level in the country. However, he noted that, in Dar es Salaam region alone has utilized two third of the of the money disbursed so far for the repair of the damaged roads caused as a result of the just ended rains which tik a certain greater extent caused extensive damage countrywide.

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