Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tourism business stakeholders told to make use of AFCON soccer games

As Tanzania gets prepared to host the competition Cup of African Nations (AFCON) for teams under 19 years of age to be held next year in the country, tourism stakeholders and companies which engage in businesses which advertises Tanzania’s most tourist attractions, have been urged to make use of the games. The Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said in parliament ladst week in Dodoma when answering an impromptu question and noted that, it is high time for various tourist companies including stakeholders to make use of these highly international delegations to advertise their activities. 

The PM was responding a question earlier directed to him by Sumve legislator Richard Ndasa (CCM) whom wanted to know how the government has prepared itself to couch its team aged below 17 years. The Premier noted that, the government will send the team to Scandinavia country of Sweden and so as to prepare them perform better in these games which Tanzania has been given the honour to host in African region.

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