Sunday, May 27, 2018

Need to have a ship to help facilitate fishing in deep sea

The government has put in its future plans to build a State-of-the-art ship vessel which will help facilitate fishing activities in deep sea along the Indian Ocean, the deputy minister for Livestock and Fisheries Abdallah Ulega has said. Ulega assured Members of Parliament last week in Dodoma during morning session of question and answer saying that, ever since independence time Tanzania has had no any ship vessel that carries shipping activities in deep sea to get more fish for sale in order to increase revenues in government coffers. 

The deputy minister for Livestock and Fisheries Abdallah Ulega

The minister was responding to a question earlier raised by special seat Amina Nassoro Makilagi who wanted to know plans by the government in protecting its marine creatures in the sea. Another supplementary question was raised by a legislator of Geita urban Constantine Kanyasu   (CCM) who wanted to know why is it that only at Lake Victoria the government has allowed the fishing of Sangara type of a fish and not other types. Responding to these, the deputy minister noted that, the government was looking for the possibility to have other types of fish be netted and is currently undertaking the initiatives of preparing to get a strategic investor to come and build a ship which would carry the activities far off the lake shores. He also noted that, the government is in plans of reviving its defunct Tanzania Fisheries Corporation (TAFICO) to help facilitate the fishing operations in the country.

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