Monday, May 14, 2018

Mkapa’s views on low education to be put in public debate

The government is set to discuss and put in action views recently proclaimed by the retired President of the third phase Hon. William Benjamin Mkapa that, ‘the education system in the country is extremely poor’.  The retired president uttered his statement a month ago at a coronation ceremony held at the University Of Dodoma (UDOM) whereby Professor Egid Beatus Mubofu was made the Vice-Chancellor of the University, the position which was left vacant by Professor Idris Suleiman Kikulaa who had retired from public service. In his speech which swept through the minds of the academicians and educationists across the  country, left many stranded with nothing to do up to now and moreover the fifth phase government has never responded. The deputy minister in President’s Office responsible for Local Government and Regional Administratrion (TAMISEMI) Hon. Josephat Kandege told the parliament last week that, his ministry is taken serious over the matter and will discuss the issue and informs the general public. The deputy minister was responding a supplementary question which was raised by the Special Seat Hon. Hawa Subira Mwaifunga who wanted to know why the rate of student’s examination pass had lowered down in Tabora region and what steps has the government taken so far to remedy the situation. Another supplementary question was raised by a legislator Hon. James Mbatia who also wanted to know what steps has the government taken so far in order to curb the education system in the country which seems to have deteriorated. The deputy minister who refuted allegations raised by the legislator over poor performances of the region, admitted the fact that, the teaching infrastructure at the former well-known schools in the region such as Tabora Boys which was established during colonial period are low and that the government is trying all it can in order to revive its integrity it had together with others.

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