Thursday, May 3, 2018

Journalists asked to shun malpractices

Corruption has become one of the impediments to mankind development and hence the Journalists who are the eyes of the society have been called upon to shun corruption as they perform their duties for the benefit of the society.  The call was made by the Mara Regional Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) commander, Alex Kuhanda. He said that people rely on media as their main source of information and journalists in the country must avoid corruption at all costs, so as not to publish biased information which will destroy the society. "Pen can be a dangerous weapon if not well used, scars caused by a pen, take long to be repaired" insisted the RBC. He insisted that PCCB in Mara region will continue to work closely with media organs but any journalists accused of involving themselves in corruption conducts will be dealt in accordance with the law. Kuhanda also thanked Journalists in Mara region for giving information to PCCB on corruption acts which are worked upon by his bureau.

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