Thursday, May 10, 2018

Govt issues 51,600 village land title deeds in the country


The government has issued a total of 51,600 village land title deeds to the people and the owners have used them as collaterals to borrow money from various financial institutions in the country, the Deputy Minister of lands and human settlement development Angeline Mabula has said. The deputy minister Mabula informed the Parliament today that about Tshs. 9 billion has so far been borrowed from various financial institutions in the country by using these title deeds. She said the government through her ministry is trying all it can in order to make other financial institutions accept the documents as their legality have been correctly verified by the ministry so as to make them be used to borrow as much as possible by the needy people. The deputy minister was responding to a question earlier raised by the Kilolo legislator (CCM) Hon. Vennance Mwamoto who wanted to know the long standing plans by the government which had promised to prepare village land title deeds with a view to help them cater for their economic gain. However, the deputy minister has appealed to the people in the country to work in collaboration with the government to give maximum efforts to the whole exercise which is going on in the country of verifying the legality and issuing of these title deeds wherever possible.

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