Thursday, May 3, 2018

Govt directs education stakeholders to help build student’s hostels

George Kakunda (CCM)

The government has called upon education stakeholders in the country to give help in the construction of the student’s hostels closer to secondary schools or colleges with shortages of dormitories with a view to provide more cheaper accommodation for students. The Minister of State in President’s Office responsible for Local Government and Regional Administration (TAMISEMI) George Kakunda (CCM) said today when responding questions in Parliament during questions and answer session. The question was earlier raised by a legislator Fatuma Theophil (CCM) who wanted tyo know plans by the government to construct as many dormitories as possible for college and secondary school students.  In another supplementary question raised by Dr. Steven Kesulwa over the shortages of latrines and classes, the minister noted that, the government has set aside a total of Tshs. 515 million to reduce the problem including the Longido district from where the legislator comes from.

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