Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Government to increase manpower on health sector during 2018/19 fiscal year


The government is set to employ 10,000 skilled personnel on human health out of the total 49,000 to be employed in the ministry of Health in order to fill the shortages of manpower which currently exists in the health sector in the country, the parliament has been informed. The deputy minister of State in President’s Office responsible for Local Government and Regional Administration (TAMISEMI) Hon. Josephat Kandege  was responding to a supplementary question earlier raided by Hon. Kasuku Bilago who wanted to know when will the government employ workers in health sector in the country. 

The aim is to enable health centres as well as various dispensaries already constructed by the government with shortages of staff operate as intended. The deputy minister also said that, the government is committed to complete all the construction of its health centres and dispensaries located in various sites in the country as planned. The deputy minister was responding to a question earlier raised by the legislator Hon. Seif Hamisi Gulamali who wanted to know the pace of construction of the health centres and dispensaries located in various parts in the country.

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