Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A man and his wife under arrest over illicit drugs

The Drugs Control & Enforcement Authority (DCEA) has arrested two alleged illegal traders of the illicit drug trafficking Mr. Ayoub Kibiko and his wife Pili Kiboko at their home in Tegeta on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam city. The authority had been looking for the two couples for being among illegal traders who had been mentioned in a letter sent by Tanzanians currently serving jail term in Hong-Kong after having been found guilty in illegal possession of illicit drugs. The jailed Tanzanians had informed the authority that Kiboko and his wife have hotels and more than 10 buildings in various places in the city of Dar es Salaam and that these have been acquired as a result of the illegal trade of illicit drugs they are engaged with. The letters were brought in the country in December 2014 by one John Wotherspoon who attends to prisoners in Hong Kong and China after being given by Tanzanians who have been jailed in their prisons. The jailed Tanzanians wrote the letters with intent to instruct Tanzanians not to engage in such businesses as it is very risky and most dangerous and also they mentioned a list of people including the notorious Kiboko.  DCEA’s Commissioner of Operation, Fredrick Milanzi said today in Dar es Salaam that, Kiboko and his wife were arrested yesterday at night at their home and found with 250 grams of illicit drug of heroin type. 


“After the culprits were arrested, we took the samples of heroin to the chief government chemist for testing, and when the results will ascertain that the samples are truly heroin, then we shall take them to court immediately” said Milanzi. Milanzi further noted that, the culprits were also found in possession of a Chinese pistol which they legally own. Also in his compound, the officers found the culprits with three luxurious cars parked in the yard. It is believed that, the culprit started this business long time ago and that the available reports shows that they used to sent youths in various countries including China and Hong Kong. Either the authority has arrested one Abdul Omari Saleha (38) a resident of Mbezi kwa Musuguri in possession of 10 pellets of heroin believed to be illicit drug weighing 150 grams which he was about to transport them to Zanzibar. Milanzi further clarified that, the culprit was set free recently from prison in Hong Kong where he had been jailed for the last 10 years and that was sent by one Salehe Ally Issa a resident of Mbezi. He also noted that, the suspect had a newly introduced electronic passport which he claimed to have acquired it by help of Issa so that he might be able to transport various contra bands of the illicit drugs outside the country. According to Milanzi, on hearing such a new report of another person named Issa, the security agent surrounded his compound and was arrested at his home on successful directives issued by the former suspect. He said the two will be taken to court once an investigation about the matter is complete.


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