Sunday, May 27, 2018

A commission formed to look at water development projects

The government has formed a commission which is composed of water experts which h is tasked to look at the water development projects going on in various places in the country. The Minister for Water and Irrigation Isack Kamwelwe said in an exclusive interview this week that, the commission team will inspect water development projects and will be cooperating with the district council authorities. The minister noted that, his ministry will work on the outcome of what the team shall have revealed and take immediate actions wherever possible to whoever will be found guilty in dubious involvement with the government project. 

Minister Isack Kamwelwe gestures as he makes a point

The minister issued a directive during the commissioning of a multibillion water project in Kisarawe district council worth Tshs. 10 billion which took place in Kisarawe district which is to start soon. The occasion was attended by the minister of State in President’s Office responsible for Local Governmnt and Regional Administration (TAMISEMI) Selemani Jafo who is also a Member of Parliament of Kisarawe constituency. The Minister Kamwelwe said that, his ministry will turn a blind eye to whoever shall be brought forward for any accusations that will be leveled against him or her. “My ministry  shall dedicate by all costs to deal with the defaulters even if we shall hear such persons have resigned, the law will take its course toi ensure that justice is done”, he said.

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