Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tanzania endorses ratification to curb with climatic changes

There is no way whatsoever if the country wants to keep its environment can get the best standard required. Laws in the country are not enough to make such changes to take place in then country, unless otherwise others are adopted to strengthen the situation. In order to save Tanzania, Members of Parliament (MPs) have, without objection endorsed ratification of the Paris climate agreement, making Tanzania the 176th country aiming to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change through cutting carbon emissions. Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office (Union and Environment), Mr January Makamba told parliamentarians here yesterday that the government has resolved to ratify the agreement that it signed in New York on April 22, 2016. “Considering that Tanzania is striving for an industrial economy, the Paris agreement will stimulate use of natural gas, adaptation of clean technology, human resources development and push for sustainable sources of energy that protect the environment,” he said. Tanzania is one of the championing countries in environment conservation. Government details indicate that the East African country had allocated over 30 per cent of its land for the purpose. Since signing the agreement and other conventions had received at least 300 million US dollars to support the Tanzania Meteorological Agency, training some 200 professionals on climate resilience, establishment of the Centre for Climate Change Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam and the implementation of the regional Lake Victoria project. The Minister said in his submission, Tanzania is already experiencing adverse impacts of climate change. Current climate variability and change resulting iextreme weather events already lead to major economic costs in Tanzania. 

Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office (Union and Environment), Mr January Makamba

The Paris agreement, however, is aimed at strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. “Implementation of the agreement will consider equity, capacity, history and status of the country’s economy. Under this agreement, Tanzania will not be forced or tied in generating carbon emissions, but will work with other member countries willingly,” Mr Makamba assured. The Minister noted that there were more benefits signing and ratifying the agreement that it is now. Parliamentary Committee on Industry, Trade and Environment also emphasized the core reason is to cut carbon emissions that is causing huge tall on climate and economy. “We have been witnesses of the impact of climate change. From droughts, to floods and from soil erosion to increases in sea levels,” said Innocent Bashungwa, the Committee’s Vice- Chairman. Nkenge Lawmaker Ambassador Diodorus Kamala contributing to the debate yesterday said the agreement put Tanzania among 78 countries in the world, that are to benefit from the 195tr/- allocated to support global climate change alliance. But, he was quick to warn that Tanzania had a duty to play, by allocating sufficient funds from its own resources to support climate change resilience and adaptation measures. The suggestion was equally aired by the Shadow Minister for Environment, Mr Ali Saleh, adding further that the State should set programmes to tap funds allocated by global funds to support climate change actions. Meanwhile, MPs called for urgent measures to address the impact of climate change which now affects millions of Tanzanians, especially in rural villages. Debating the Paris agreement, lawmakers pointed out hundreds of people are increasingly becoming restless owing to the impact of climate change.

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