Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Makonda’s call is overwhelmingly responded

Hundreds of women thronged the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner’s (RC) office yesterday with claims against their negligent partners in the upkeep of children. The desperate mothers defied the heavy rains that pounded many parts of the city and its environs, determined to meet RC Paul Makonda for help. Mr Makonda had on March 8, this year, speaking at the International Women’s Day celebrations, invited all women in the region who have been deserted by their parental partners to report to his office for legal assistance. Apparently, women in their hundreds made good of the RC invitation, thronging the office to register their claims. But, yesterday Mr Makonda invited men believing that they were raising children who are not their biological offspring to as well report at his office for support. The Ilala Boma grounds on which the RC office sits were filled to capacity with scores of women from different parts of the city arriving as early as 10:00 am, all with claims against the children’s fathers who have failed in their parental responsibilities. A lady, Ms Safina Muhamed was a centre of attraction at the RC office compound with her half-caste boy whom she said has been deserted by a Chinese national.   

A cross section of the Dar es Salaam women who are said to have been deserted by their spouses thronged at Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner's Office in Dar es Salaam to air out their grievances.

The photo of Ms Muhamed with the baby boy became viral in social networks. The woman told reporters that she met the Chinese when she was working at a construction company, Hainan, which has its main offices at Mwenge area in Dar es Salaam. “At that time, the company was constructing houses for the army at Gongo la Mboto. We lived together under one roof until I realised that I was pregnant. “When I delivered the baby, he used to provide for the baby but his working permit expired and left for China. He left me with phone contacts but since then we have not communicated,” said the seemingly troubled lady. Ms Muhamed was worried as to whether the father of the child was alive or dead, revealing that there are many women who were abandoned with children they sired with Chinese. The RC urged all women who have been deserted to turn up in big number, explaining that his office is well prepared to handle such cases. “The number of women who have turned up is high and this shows the magnitude of the problem and this is just the first day; we will have more five days to settle these issues,” he assured the women. Adding; “If there are men out there who think the children being claimed to be theirs are not then should as well report at my office for solution.” And, given the ongoing rains he advised mothers to leave the children at home and report with them when directed to do so at an appropriate time.

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