Monday, March 5, 2018

Why killings against Africans continues in South Africa?

Tanzania has a unique respect among African states for its active participation in then struggle for the liberation of African nations. South Africa was among the most oppressed nations in Sub-Saharan Africa region due primarily to the apartheid system of the minority regime it had adopted. The system had been oppressing African from having a democratic freedom of expression. But it has come tk the general understanding that the country which most African states especially Tanzania took an active part to liberate from the colonial yoke, has suddenly turned to kill the people from nations that helped attained its independence, Why is this habit being persisting over there? But in Tasnzania, the authorities have assured its citizens that are safe. Tanzania living in South Africa are not hunted, despite the recent murder of a Tanzanian student in Johannesburg, the government assured yesterday. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East Africa, Prof Adolf Mkenda said his office believes the murder of the Tanzanian student was just another crime like any other in the violent- ridden Johannesburg. “We are still waiting for our envoy in Johannesburg as well as the South African embassy in Dar es Salaam to come up with the final official report on the matter, but until now we believe the student’s killing was one of the criminal acts currently painting South Africa red,” he said. In 2008, many foreigners living or working in South Africa were being hunted, attacked and even killed in the wave of xenophobic ‘witch hunting,’ in Johannesburg and other major cities of the country. Asked if the incident was rearing its ugly head again, the PS said, “It’s too early to suspect or insinuate the resurgence of xenophobic attacks in South Africa because that was an isolated case; you see even during the violence episodes of 2008 when foreigners from other African countries were being targeted, a lot of Tanzanians were spared based on their nationality. ” In his opinion, Tanzanians remain safe in South Africa as long as they took caution of not walking in dark alleys or frequent crime hotspots It was recently reported that Mr Baraka Leonard Nafari, a PhD student at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) was killed in the early hours of Friday, February 23, 2018. Nafari is an alumni of Saint Augustine University (SAUT) of Mwanza. The CCTV footage at the campus showed Baraka and a fellow UJ student running for their lives while two men in a taxi pursued them. The vehicle then deliberately struck Baraka against the fence of the University of Johannesburg’s Sophia town residence in Auckland Park, killing him instantly.

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