Friday, March 16, 2018

RC orders an immediate arrest of an accountant

The Regional Commissioner for Tabora region Hon. Aggrey Mwanri has ordered Kaliua District Commissioner Mr Abel Msalama and the police force to arrest the Kahama Cotton Company Limited (KCCL) Accountant, Mr Boniface Kubilu for allegedly stealing 50 bottles of pesticides set aside for farmers in the district. Mr Mwanri gave the order shortly after Mwendakulima residents at Serena ward complained they were being denied pesticides by the accountant, saying they feared they might fail to meet their farming targets. The RC warned companies or people with intention to sabotaging government efforts to increase cotton production, saying stern legal measures would be taken against them. “…Mr DC and OCD arrest the accountant and make sure legal measures are taken against him,” said Mr Mwanri Speaking on behalf of area residents, the Mwendakulima V i l l a g e Chairman, Mr Juma Charles told the RC that after the suspect was interviewed by the residents he admitted to have taken 50 bottles of cotton pesticides illegally – because established procedures require that the same should be ‘supplied directly’ to the cotton farmers. “After he confessed before the residents, we took him to the local militiamen “Sungusungu” who ordered him to pay one cow and 300,000/- … but he hasn’t done so … and now categorically refuses to pay the fine”, he explained. On his part, Sereli Ward Executive Officer Mr George Maganya told the RC that he immediately reported the matter to Kaliua District Commissioner requesting for the support to arrest the suspect. “We were relieved after receiving a letter that you were planning to visit us, we knew our problem will be solved,” he said.

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